About Our Water
Our Water Treatment Plant produces an average of 1 Billion Gallons of water annually!
Our Water Treatment Plant produces an average of 1 Billion Gallons of water annually!
Did you receive a notification on your statement that you may have continuous use at your property?
If you are concerned about your water use or want to stay within a water budget you can utilize your meter read information provided on your billing statement or you can check your use on your meter regularly.
Here are tips you can use when turning on your irrigation system!
Winterize so you don't end up with frozen pipes this winter. Follow this step by step process to ensure clear pipes all winter long.
Tap water costs less than a penny per gallon and we are fortunate to have some of the finest drinking water in the world!
Water conservation is critical in times of drought, but also needed in times of plenty because water is a precious limited resource.
Source Water Protection is protecting sources of drinking water from contaminates that are harmful to human health. Everyone can help protect the quality of our drinking water through simple sanitary practices.
The Defensible Space Fee pays for the work IVGID does on its property to manage the watershed and reduce fire fuel loads.
If you are thinking about starting a project which involves water or sewer work this page contains information about requirements which may come up during your project.