Defensible Space

The Defensible Space Fee pays for the work IVGID does on its property to manage the watershed and reduce fire fuel loads. This work also provides a protective boundary for the homes of Incline Village and Crystal Bay from the potential destruction caused by wildfires. The Fuels Management Program began in 1991 in a collaboration of the NLTFPD and IVGID. Annually approximately $450,000 to $500,000 is spent to maintain the 1,000+acres of land IVGID owns. The defensible space fee on the Public Works statement pays for 50% of the IVGID share of costs for fuels treatment. The other 50% share of this cost is paid by the IVGID Recreation Facility Fee. The Angora Fire in South Lake Tahoe and wild fires in other mountain regions continue to remind us of the significance of this effort in our community.