Water FAQ's
Where does our water come from?
The source of your drinking water is Lake Tahoe. Pumped directly out of the lake, your drinking water is first disinfected with our state-of-the-art ozone and ultraviolet disinfection. A small dose of chlorine is added prior to your water being distributed through water pump stations to water storage tanks, and then travels through pipelines to be delivered to your property.
What should I do to winterize my property?
It is recommended that all properties have a Customer Service Valve (CSV), installed past the water meter that is easy to access. If you are leaving the property for a period of time, turn the CSV off to stop the water supply to the house. You may want to check with a licensed contractor to verify any additional systems hooked up to your water supply will function properly once the CSV is shut-off. If you do not have a CSV seasonal water turn off requests can be made by contacting our office. There is a service call charge, at the time the meter is turned off and this request requires 48-hours notice. A fine for meter tampering may be charged if the meter is turned on/off without a service call. It is the homeowner’s responsibility to make sure the meter is accessible or additional charges may be incurred to get access to the meter. It is also important to leave the thermostat at 55 degrees or above when you are away to prevent freezing of internal pipes. Don’t run the water in order to keep pipes from freezing. This is a costly waste of water and can cause water damage under certain circumstances. On irrigation systems it is important to shut off and drain the system, detach hoses from hose bibbs and remove backflow devices and store them inside.
How do I locate and read my meter?
Your water meter is generally near the street at the corner of the lot marked with a metal fence post with blue paint. The meter is under a metal or concrete lid. Brush away any soil or dirt before you remove the lid and please take great care in not damaging the meter, transmitter or associated wires. The water meter register has a black protective dust cover which you will need to flip back to read the meter. Water meters have numbers and spinning dials, which record usage. When water is not being used, none of the numbers or dials on the meter should move. Our meters have a small red star wheel "the leak detector" which spins to indicate when water is traveling thru the meter. If you are not sure you are looking at the correct meter simply run a hose bibb at your house to verify the meter is yours.
How do I know if my meter is accurate?
Today's modern meters are extremely accurate. Most meter inaccuracies are due to age and wear and yield a reading that is less than what was actually used. You can also check your meter accuracy by simply running water until your meter pointer is at zero. Then, insuring that nothing else is using water in the house , accurately fill a one or two gallon container and return to your meter to see if it the pointer moved the appropriate amount. Each number on the clock face of the meter dial represents one gallon. If you accurately dispensed one gallon, the pointer should have incremented by approximately one gallon.
Why am I responsible for keeping my meter box accessible?
Meter boxes need to be accessible at all times in case of an emergency at your property or for any other reason in which the meter needs to be shut-off or for meter maintenance. Make sure that snow, dirt, rocks, vehicles, etc. are not covering your meter box. This could save your property from costly water or sewer damage. If we are required to uncover your meter box additional charges may be assessed to your utility bill.
Am I required to have a meter stake at my property?
Yes, having a meter stake at your meter location will aid us in locating the meter in case of an emergency at your property, especially when there is accumulation of snowfall or pine needles. Call us if the stake is missing, we will replace it.
Who is allowed to turn my water meter on or off?
In order to avoid damage to the meter and its components, as well as your home, only trained IVGID personnel are allowed to turn the meter valves. If a meter is found to have been turned on/off by someone other than IVGID trained personnel a $100 tampering fine may be assessed to the utility bill.
I think I may have a water leak at my property. Where do I start?
The most common leak inside a home is caused by toilets. We have dye tablets available at our office which can help you to identify if you have a leaking toilet. We also have informational flyers available to help you locate and fix water leaks.
The water pressure to my property is low. What could cause this?
The water pressure to your property can vary depending on your location. All homes should have water pressure regulators which are placed on the service line to regulate the water pressure to the house so that plumbing fixtures operate properly. If you have low water pressure you may need to adjust or replace this device or call a plumber for further assistance.
My water was turned off, how do I get it turned on again?
Your water may have been shut off for violation of the IVGID Ordinances or failure to pay the utility bill. These items will need to be corrected prior to the water being turned back on. Click to contact us or call our office for further information, (775) 832-1203.
Water Quality FAQ’s
How can I find out about our water quality?
Each June a comprehensive Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) on the water quality of the system is published and sent to all customers. This is in compliance with Federal EPA reporting requirements.
Why should I choose tap water over bottled water?
Water systems are more rigorously tested and monitored than the bottled water industry. Americans are drinking a lot of bottled water: 8.3 billion gallons annually, about 26 gallons per person (in 2006). About 86% of the plastic bottles in the U.S. go to the landfill instead of being recycled. Tap water costs less than a penny per gallon and we are fortunate to have some of the finest drinking water in the world!
Is chlorine used in the water?
Yes, chlorine is used in the water to make sure it stays disinfected while it travels through the water infrastructure to your property. Chlorine will dissipate over time with exposure to air and can also be removed from the water with the use of a carbon water filter.
Do you put fluoride into the water?
No, we do not add fluoride into the treated potable water.
Water Conservation FAQ’s
How do I know how much water I am using?
Your monthly bill will show you how much water was used during the previous month, as well as your use over the past 12 month period. Meter reads are collected once a month.
I would like to monitor my water use. How can I do this?
Your monthly utility bill will indicate your last meter read and the date of the read. Then you will need to locate your water meter as detailed in the Water FAQ’s section. When you have your current meter read you can then subtract the read from your last bill from the current meter read to find out how much water you have used over that period of time. The District also offers the use of a remote reading device that we can lend to you at no cost for up to two weeks. The device is programmed to read your meter by radio and can be placed somewhere in your house or garage in a convenient location. You can retrieve your meter reads as often as you like without having to access your water box. The District will program, deliver and set up the device for you. If you wish to keep the monitor after the rental period we will simply bill your account $100 for the cost of the device.
How much water use is normal indoors?
According to the American Water Works Association, before implementing basic water conservation techniques, the average indoor use is approximately 60 to 70 gallons per day per person. That translates into approximately 3,600 to 4,200 gallons per month for two people or 7,200 to 8,400 gallons per month for a family of four. Simple conservation measures can typically result in a 15-20 percent reduction in this number.
How can I tell if I am overwatering my landscaping?
Irrigation audits are available for customers who feel their irrigation water use is higher than it needs to be. This can be scheduled by contacting our Waste Not department, (775) 832-1284.
Where can I find some assistance with development of a water conserving landscaping plan?
A fabulous resource for learning about water conservation strategies is the UNR Cooperative Extension publication located at: www.unce.unr.edu/publications/files/nr/2006/eb0601.pdf. The North Lake Tahoe Demonstration Garden is also another great resource, which is located on the Sierra Nevada College campus.
Backflow FAQ’s
Why is backflow testing required?
Your property’s main waterline supplies drinking water to your house. This pipe also supplies water for alternative uses such as boiler, fire and irrigation systems; which are cross connections. Glycol, fertilizer, waste, and gas can be found in these alternative pipes. If pressure is reduced in your main waterline, the polluted water in the alternative systems can flow backwards and contaminate your drinking water. A backflow device prevents water in the alternative lines from flowing backwards, thus protecting your drinking water and your health. The State of Nevada requires backflow devices be inspected annually to make sure they are working properly.
Who needs backflow testing?
Backflow devices are required on non-drinking water systems which are directly connected to the drinking water supply line at a property. These include, but are not limited to: irrigation, boiler (hydronic heat) and fire sprinkler systems. We currently have 3500 backflow devices which are being tested annually in our backflow program.
I received a postcard stating backflow testing is needed. What do I need to do to comply?
Backflow devices need to be tested in the same quarter annually. These can be scheduled to be tested by IVGID staff members who are certified backflow testers by calling (775) 832-1313. Backflow test performed by IVGID will be billed on the utility bill charged at the rate set in Exhibit C of the Water Ordinance and includes an hour of labor (when repair to a device is needed). Private certified backflow testers can also perform the test. Results can be faxed to (775) 832-1260 or emailed to pw@ivgid.org. The inspection needs to be done during the same quarter each year. Backflow results need to be received prior to the end date of the quarter indicated on your postcard. If results are not received the property may be shutoff for non-compliance.
Sewer FAQ’s
Where does my sewage go?
Sewage water travels first through pipelines and pump stations to get to the Wastewater Treatment Plant. The wastewater treatment process from start to finish takes approximately 15 hours. The solids removed in this process are sent to an outside company for composting with other organic material. The export pipeline transports the plant’s secondary treated effluent to the 770 acre IVGID Wetlands site in Douglas County for beneficial reuse. All effluent water is required to be transported outside of the Tahoe Basin to protect this national treasure.
What items should not be flushed down the toilet?
Flushable wipes, facial tissue, paper towels, cotton swabs and cotton balls, feminine sanitary products, FOG (fats, oils or greases), pharmaceutical products, unused medicine, and HHW (household hazardous waste). Toilets are not trashcans!
Why are flushable wipes bad to flush down the toilet?
Flushable wipes don’t disintegrate; try pulling and tearing at one or soak one in a cup of water for a day. What you’ll find is they don’t breakdown. Imagine what happens in your pipes, our sewer mains and sewer pumps. Wipes can clog the connection to the sewer line causing backups resulting in expensive repairs for the homeowners and/or cause back-ups that spill sewage into our fragile mountain environment.
What problems can be caused by fats, oils and greases (FOG) being put down the drain?
If you dump leftover food scraps, oils and grease down the drain, the greases and fats stick to the inside of the pipes. Grease causes sewer blockages and overflows that damage homes and threaten the environment. The best way to solve grease blockage problems is to keep FOG out of the drain in the first place. These items cause costly preventative maintenance in the sewer mains and pump stations, leading to increased sewer charges.
How do I dispose of pharmaceutical products or unused medicine besides putting them down the drain?
Many drugstores offer a return program on unused medicine. Rite Aid and Safeway in King’s Beach both accept medicine; Raley’s in Incline Village does not. If you cannot access a recycling option, you may dispose of old medicine in the trash by crushing the pills, placing them back in the original package, place the container in a plastic bag and wrap the bag with tape; then dispose of in your household trash.
Billing & Rate FAQ's
How often are bills generated and what are the payment due dates?
Water and sewer utility bills are generated monthly. Payments are due by the 15th of each month, or the following business day if this date falls on a weekend. Payments made after this date will not be reflected on your next statement.
Is there a way to get copies of statements electronically?
Yes, customers can sign up for Online Account Access which allows them to elect to receive statements by email monthly. You may also email us or call our office for these requests and we will be happy to get them to you by fax or email.
What types of payments are accepted and where are payment locations?
Payments can be made by check, money order, cash, FREE monthly automatic payment from a checking account, thru online bill payment with your bank, or via Online Account Access (subject to a service fee). A 24 hour drop box is located at the IVGID Admin office at 893 Southwood Blvd. Payments can also be made at the Public Works office, which is located at 1220 Sweetwater Rd, during business hours.
How does EFT/Auto Payment work and what is needed to sign up?
EFT will automatically transfer payments from your checking account one day prior to the due date indicated on the bill. A copy of the bill is still mailed to you in order for you to have the information on the payment amount which will be deducted from your account and shows the amount of water use at the property. The form needs to be completed, signed and returned to our office with a voided check in order to set-up this payment option.
What forms of payment are excepted with Online Account Access and what are the service fees?
Payment can be made by eCheck or with a Visa, MasterCard or Discover credit card. EChecks will be charged a flat rate of $1.50 per transaction and credit cards will be charged a service fee of 2.45% with a $2.00 minimum transaction amount.
Why is there a service fee when paying with Online Account Access?
The payment processor and your credit card collect these fees. IVGID does not collect this fee or any of the revenue.
Can I make a one time payment by credit card without setting up for an Online Account Access account?
Yes! On the login page click the “Checkout as Guest” link. You will need to enter the account number exactly as it appears on the statement (including dashes). You will then need to verify the correct information is displayed for the account you wish to pay and then specify the amount of payment you would like to make. A service fee will apply for online payments.
How do I make changes to the mailing address or contact phone numbers on my account?
The Change of Address/Phone Number Form below can be submitted to our office. You can also make changes by submitting the information on the payment stub which is mailed in with your payment.
I am past due on the payment of my utility bill. When will a late charge be accessed?
Late fees are assessed if payment is not received by the last day of the month.
My property was posted for shutoff due to non-payment. What does the notification mean?
Properties which are posted for shut-off have two months of outstanding balance which has not been received by the time billing had been generated for the next billing period. Properties are given a minimum of five calendar days to make payment. Please contact our office if you need to make arrangements for payment towards a past due balance on your account.
I would like to set up an agent/tenant to receive the bill on my account. What is needed to arrange this?
A Designation of Agent form needs to be completed and signed by the owner of the property then submitted to our office. By signing the form the owner is acknowledging that all invoices, delinquency notices, shut off notices, inspection notices, and other correspondence for the utility account will be sent to the agent/tenant’s mailing address. The owner of the property will still be responsible for any charges left unpaid on the account. For this reason we suggest that property owners call or email us periodically to verify status of the payments on the account. IVGID does not prorate any charges on the account upon move in or move out, but we are able to provide date ranges for the timeframe charges were incurred on the utility account.
I am selling/purchasing a property. What do I need to do?
In order to determine the final bill for the seller, a final meter read needs to be requested at least 2 working days prior to the close of escrow date. This is typically requested from the title company. We then issue a final balance breakdown which gets collected and paid thru escrow. The title company also needs to provide us a copy of the Grant Deed to reflect the new ownership information. To ensure we have the correct mailing address and phone/email address the new owner can contact us to provide their contact information.
I had a leak at my property. Can I qualify for relief on my bill?
To qualify for relief the following conditions must be met:
- The account must not have had an adjustment under this program in the last five years.
- The total usage including the loss must be deemed extraordinary compared to regular use.
- The loss must not be due to negligence either from the customer or the customer’s agent.
- The completed application must be received within 30 calendar days of the billing date in which the leak occurred.
- Documentation must be included with the application that explains how the leak occurred and show repairs were made.
If the conditions are met and the relief is approved, the District will make an adjustment or credit the utility bill an amount equal to 75% of the water and sewer consumption caused by the leak that exceeds the seasonal monthly average when the leak occurred. If the water did not reach the sewer system then an adjustment will be made to the sewer consumption caused by the leak that exceeds the seasonal monthly average. The maximum period of time we can take into account for adjustments is two consecutive months’ worth of bills. This is to account for a leak that began in one billing period and was repaired in the next.
How are water and sewer billing rates determined?
A rate study is performed anytime water and sewer rates need to be evaluated for change. Base rates are determined off of the cost of operation, maintenance, repair, and administration costs. Details of the rate study are presented to the Board of Trustees. Capital charges are collected to fund the replacement of infrastructure and assets in the District. Water tier rates are in place to encourage water conservation and cover any costs associated with having to increase the water rights held by the District. Our annual Water Management Plan is a reporting requirement to the State of Nevada and details the water consumption in the District.
What does the Defensible Space Fee pay for?
The Defensible Space Fee pays for the work IVGID does on its property to manage the watershed and reduce fire fuel loads. This work also provides a protective boundary for the homes of Incline Village and Crystal Bay from the potential destruction caused by wildfires. The Fuels Management Program began in 1991 in a collaboration of the NLTFPD and IVGID. Annually approximately $450,000 to $500,000 is spent to maintain the 1,000+acres of land IVGID owns. The defensible space fee on the Public Works statement pays for 50% of the IVGID share of costs for fuels treatment. The other 50% share of this cost is paid by the IVGID Recreation Facility Fee. The Angora Fire in South Lake Tahoe and wild fires in other mountain regions continue to remind us of the significance of this effort in our community.
What is the administrative fee on my bill?
The administrative fee covers the costs of meter reading, customer service and billing processes.
How is residential sewer consumption charges determined for the summer irrigation season?
The summer sewer consumption charges are capped at the average 5 month water use from November thru March.
If I’m going to be out of town for an extended period of time, can I reduce my charges?
We do not offer reduced rates for vacant properties.
Do you read meters monthly?
Yes, meters are read as close to a 30 day period as possible.
Wildlife FAQ's
How do I report a trash problem?
If you see an open/overfilled dumpster, trash spill or trash out before the service day, please call 530-544-4210 or email: northshoe@clean-tahoe.org or email solidwaste@ivgid.org.
How can I keep bears/wildlife from getting into my trash?
The best way to keep bears and other wildlife out of your trash is to keep your refuse in a bear-proof garbage container at all times. These must be purchased by the resident. There are two kinds of bear-proof garbage containers – bear boxes and bear carts. Bear boxes are permanent steel boxes installed on a concrete base that can hold from one to three cans of garbage. Bear carts are steel reinforced, 96-gallon garbage containers, on wheels, with a bear-resistant latching system. For more information on either of these options contact Waste Not. More information can also be found at www.stashyourtrash.org. Many people keep trash in the garage until the day of pick up. Be advised, bears have broken into garages in our community in pursuit of food waste. Place trash curbside after 5 am on day of service only.
I received a trash notification letter. What caused this?
If you received a trash notification letter, it has been determined that trash was placed on the street prior to pick up day or has been accessible to wildlife or other pests. Please remember that all property owners are responsible for properly managing their trash. More information on the bear awareness program and proper trash containment are available on our Bear Awareness page .
Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) & Electronic Waste (E-waste) FAQ's
Where do I take Household Hazardous Waste (HHW)?
Waste Not accepts HHW for District residents at our Public Works site 1220 Sweetwater, Incline Village during our scheduled drop-off hours or an appointment can be made by calling (775)832-1284 48 hours in advance. This program accepts: acids, aerosols, batteries, fluorescent light bulbs, household cleaners, fertilizers, pesticides, flammable liquids, herbicides, poisons, solvents, gasoline, oil paints and stains. Latex paint is now accepted. Waste Not cannot accept HHW from commercial customers. Commercial customers may call a commercial hazardous waste disposal service. We will refuse potentially dangerous or unlawful substances. Please contact us for current program details.
Where can I take computers and electronics to be recycled?
Waste Not accepts electronic waste for District residents. Items accepted include flat screen monitors, towers, laptops, accessories (including cables), stereos, and most small appliances with cords or batteries.
What about those ‘hard to recycle” items? How do I get more information on recycling?
Waste Not maintains a comprehensive recycling guide which contains detailed information on items which can be recycled.
Water and Sewer Building Compliance FAQ's
I am planning a construction, remodel or landscaping project. Where do I start?
Contact the Washoe County Building and Safety Department, (775) 328-2020 for plan review requirements.
What are the water and sewer requirements for construction?
The requirements for connecting to the water and sewer system are outlined in the IVGID Requirements to Construct Water and Sewer Service Lines packet, which is available online or by contacting our office. The IVGID Compliance department can also help with questions by calling (775) 832-1224.
Why is IVGID involved in the building process?
Under Nevada Revised Statute (NRS) 318, IVGID is responsible for the delivery of potable water, removal and treatment of sewage and providing community trash services throughout Incline Village and Crystal Bay. IVGID responsibilities include the safety of our customers and the environment, and assuring that the most cost-effective and reliable methods are used.
How do I get water to a property for construction?
A temporary meter can be rented for up to 6 months to supply construction water to a property. Temporary service connections shall be disconnected and terminated within six months after installation unless an extension of time is granted in writing by the District. Deposit for hydrant meter rental shall be forfeit if meter is not returned within six months.
Why and when do I request a water and/or sewer inspection?
IVGID performs inspections to assure that water and sewer systems are constructed according to specification. This helps to protect the property owner and future property owners from experiencing inadequate service capabilities and reduces the chance of future failure from poor workmanship or materials. Contractors may request that inspections of specific installations be performed at different times. For example, inspection of the water line and sewer line may be separate inspections, as may the inspection of a sewer pump station, a backwater valve or a backflow prevention device.
Who do I call to schedule an inspection?
To schedule a backflow inspection please call (775) 832-1313. For all other inspections please call (775) 832-1224. You can make a request 24 hours a day, seven days a week. IVGID will respond to your request by the end of the next business day.
My inspector did not show up. Who do I call?
Please call Chief Inspector Tim Buxton at 775-832-1246, or Senior Inspector Jeff Donahue at 775-832-1314 or Inspector 1 Drew Morris at 775-745-7577.
What is the “One Stop Shop” process?
Washoe County Building and Safety Division, along with IVGID, the North Lake Tahoe First Protection District (NLTFPD), the Incline Village Architectural Committee, the Washoe County Health Department, Washoe County Department of Community Development and the Washoe County Engineer, all have combined their efforts to provide a “One Stop Shop” plan review program for Incline Village and Crystal Bay, Nevada.
What does IVGID look for on my plans?
IVGID reviews the design of the sewer and water installation to assure that these do not jeopardize the safety of the community water or sewer services. Changes in the homeowner’s water and sewer system may also require payment of new connection fees because of increased demands. IVGID also requires the use of certain materials, and requires certain construction and testing methods be used, along with the installation of devices to protect our water system from contamination. IVGID requires that all the water and sewer components to be installed are noted on the plans.
How can I speed up the permitting process?
A preliminary set of plans may be submitted to IVGID for early review. This can speed up the plan checking process during our peak construction season (spring through early fall) by making sure all the correct information is shown on the plans that IVGID requires, so when they are submitted to the Washoe County Building and Safety Department for final review IVGID can proceed quickly. Please note: The Fire Department must review the plans for any fire sprinkler or fire hydrant installation requirements.
How long does it take for IVGID to review/approve my plans?
Typically, IVGID will complete plans for a single family dwelling in 15 working days. Plan checking for large estates, commercial projects, or multi-family condominium projects may take significantly longer, depending on the number of times the plans are returned for changes. Other special circumstance such as the dedication of easements can also result in longer plan check times. Contacting IVGID early in the process can speed up the plan checking time.
What about Easements and Encroachments?
IVGID has a number of easements for utilities and looks at how construction could affect water and sewer main lines and their respective easements. If plans indicate that construction of improvements would limit our ability to access, maintain, or repair a main line, IVGID will work with the owner and contractor, so that eventual construction does not impact our ability to serve. Easements may be required to be dedicated to IVGID if your property contains an IVGID main in an easement that has not been recorded.
What are some suggestions on preparing my plan?
To serve your needs to IVGID’s best ability, whether new construction or remodeling, please have your plans completed. Show all water and sewer fixtures (i.e., hose bibs, sinks, showers, etc.) on your plans. When remodeling, show other existing fixtures, or call IVGID for a walk-through appointment to assess demand on the system. Show proposed water and sewer service locations on a site plan and call out all materials that are to be used. These items determine what the required water meter and water line size are per IVGID Ordinance and the Uniform Plumbing Code.
What drawings are required at the end of construction?
IVGID requires an as-built plan of all water and sewer utility placement. Common interest developments require engineer stamped reproducible plans in PDF format. Single family dwellings require clearly drawn locations of water and sewer service in relationship to the dwelling on as simple as an 8-1/2" x 11" piece of paper; however, a PDF site plan is preferred.
What are Water Rights?
All common interest developments are required to supply IVGID with water rights (according to the IVGID Water Management Plan) in good standing with the Nevada State Engineers Office. It is required that civil, architectural and landscape plans be supplied to IVGID, in conjunction with the Water Rights Calculation Work Sheet.
Commercial developments or common interest developments with more than two (2) dwelling units will be required to assign water rights to IVGID in sufficient quantity to supply their project. IVGID retains a small water rights bank for projects with demands determined to be less than 2.5 ac/ft that can be purchased by the applicant. See the Water Rights Calculation Work Sheet for more information.
How are new construction and remodeling connection fees figured and what are they for?
The cost to construct and maintain water and sewage treatment and delivery systems is significant. IVGID divides this cost and the cost to operate these systems among the users of these services in several ways. For more information, please call us at (775) 832-1224.
Where do I get more information on the status of my plan review?
Contact the Washoe County Building and Safety Department, (775)328-2020 and have your permit number ready for information.
What is IVGID’s jurisdiction with regard to assuring correct design and installation of water and sewer services?
IVGID’s jurisdiction is from the sewer or water main (in the street or an easement) to a point two feet outside the foundation and between structures on private property. Any water or sewer fixtures contained within the foundation are under the jurisdiction of the Washoe County Building Department, with the exception of cross connection control devices.
What are IVGID’s and the Property Owner’s responsibilities?
IVGID owns the water service line from the water main located in the street to the property line. All of the components of the water service on the property owner’s side of the property line belong to the property owner. IVGID also owns the water meter. The property owner is fully responsible for all sewer service components beginning at the connection of the service line to the IVGID main to the residence or building being served.
I received a correction notice, what do I do?
A correction notice is issued to a property owner to correct a water, sewer, or trash problem on the property. The correction notice usually states what is required and a timeline for completion. If you fully understand the correction notice, then complete the requirement and call IVGID for an inspection at (775) 832-1224 to have it inspected and approved by an IVGID inspector prior to the required date of completion. If you do not understand the correction notice or need more time to comply, please call the inspector listed on the Correction Notice or Chief Inspector Tim Buxton at (775) 832-1246.
What is a landscape plan?
A landscape plan illustrates current and proposed vegetation and irrigation system on your property. Requirements of a landscape plan are outlined in the Landscape Standards Packet.
Is a landscape plan required for my property?
A landscape plan is required when your remodel expansion exceeds 15% of the original structure footprint or when adding a new structure, installing an irrigation meter, increasing the water line size, or installing a new irrigation system.
Am I required to install irrigation?
The landscape ordinance does not require you to install irrigation.
I am required to complete a landscape plan; however, I am not installing an irrigation system—what do I do?
Please complete the Landscaping Standards Checklist – Plan Review sheet. Check the box that states “No existing irrigation and no landscaping/irrigation proposed at this time.” Any future landscaping will require an irrigation permit from Washoe County Building and a landscape plan.
Capital Infrastructure Projects (CIP) FAQ's
How can I find out information on IVGID CIP projects which are occurring around town?
Information on the IVGID projects are available online on the Construction Updates page. The webpage also contains links to project information for Washoe County and NDOT projects.