Appeal for Leak Relief Form

If you had a significant amount of water used at your property you may qualify for leak relief on your account.
Just complete and review the pdf form in its entirety and submit it to our office by email/fax/mail. We will review your account and determine if your leak qualifies for relief. Appeal for Leak Relief (pdf) or you can fill out the online form below and submit.
How can I prevent excessive use in the future?
Since leaks can start at any time it is recommended that all properties have a Customer Service Valve (CSV) installed past the water meter that is easy to access. If you are leaving the property for more than a couple of days, turn the CSV off to stop the water supply to the house. (Note: You may need to check with a licensed contractor to verify any additional systems hooked up to your water supply will function properly once the CSV is shut-off, such as hydronic heat).
Who qualifies?
The qualifications are:
- The account must not have had an adjustment under this program in the last five years.
- The total usage including the loss must be deemed extraordinary compared to regular use.
- The loss must not be due to negligence either from the customer or the customer’s agent.
- The completed application must be received within 30 calendar days of the billing date in which the leak occurred.
- Documentation must be included with the application that explains how the leak occurred and show repairs were made. These are typically receipts for labor/materials, but can also be pictures.
If I am approved what kind of discount will I get?
Upon such a determination, the District will make an adjustment or credit the utility bill for up to two months of excess charges at 75% of the Tier 1 Use and Tier 2 Use charges which are above the average seasonal use. If the water did not reach the sewer system then an adjustment will be made to the Sewer Use charge that exceeds the annual average or a minimum of 3,000 gallons, whichever is larger.
My normal bill is usually around “x” dollars. Will you take that into account when calculating my discount?
No, what you normal bill costs will have no bearing on how the adjustment is calculated.
If I am approved for the discount now and I have another leak later, can I get another discount?
Relief under this program is only available once every five years. This means if you decide to apply now and are approved you will be ineligible for any future relief for a period of five years from the date of approval, even if the second water loss event is larger than the first or the leak starts again.
If approved, how much use will my adjustment take into account?
The maximum period of time we can take into account for adjustments is two consecutive months’ worth of bills. This is to account for a leak that began in one billing period and was repaired in the next.
Ordinance 2 – Sewer, Article 14.18 and Ordinance 4 – Water, Article 9.12 (pdf)
IMPORTANT! BEFORE COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING: IVGID Ordinances authorize a partial relief from excessive water and/or sewer charges when an account holder’s appeal:
- Is received within 30 days of the billing date by mail, fax or email:
- Is submitted with copies of receipts for labor and materials (invoicing) detailing the permanent repairs which have been made.
- And the account must not have had an adjustment under this program in the last five years.