Archived Agendas and Packets 2020
Archived 2020 Board of Trustees/Audit Committee Agendas & Packets
December 19, 2020
- Agenda Audit Committee (1 page) 12:00 PM Southwood Boardroom
- Packet Audit Committee (68 pages)
December 9, 2020
- CANCELLED - Aduit Committee of 12/9/2020
Agenda Audit Committee (1 Page) 3:00 PM Southwood BoardroomPacket Audit Committee (27 Pages)
- Agenda Regular (3 pages) 6:00 PM Southwood Boardroom
- Packet Regular (411 pages)
- F.1. - District General Manager's Reports
- F.1.C. - 2019_2020 Golf season wrap up
- G. - Long Range Calendar
- J.1. - RRA and ERP - Farr Emg'g
- J.2. - WRFF - CH2M HILL
- J.3. - Legal Svcs - BBK
- K.1. - CMAR - BC Swimming Pool
- K.2. - Design Services Contract - BC Swimming Pool and Res 1882
- K.3. - Board Priority Capital Projects
- K.4. - Watermain Project - Reallocate
- K.5. - Mark Smith - Payment to ETS
- L.1. - Meeting Minutes - 10272020
- L.2. - Meeting Minutes - 11092020
- L.3. - Meeting Minutes - 11182020
- L.4. - Meeting Minutes - 11232020
November 23, 2020 - Special Meeting
- Agenda Special (2 pages) 12:00 PM Southwood Boardroom
- Packet Special (12 pages)
November 19, 2020
- Agenda Audit Committee (3 pages) 3:00 PM Southwood Boardroom
- Packet Audit Committee (241 pages)
- D.1.a. - Presentation by Eide Bailey Auditor T Williamson
- D.1.b. - Draft CAFR items - basic financials, etc.
- D.1.d. - Draft CAFR items - extension request
- D.2. - RFP for Audit Services
- D.3. - Verbal update on District's Internal Controls...
- D.4. - Enterprise Fund Accounting
- D.5. - Chart of Accounts
- D.6. - Dillon's Rule
- D.7. - Whistleblower
- D.8.a. - Warren
- D.8.b. - Dobler 10192020
- D.8.c. - Dobler 11062020
- E. - Long Range Calendar
- F.1. - Minutes - October 27, 2020
November 18, 2020
- Agenda Regular (3 pages) 6:00 PM Southwood Boardroom
- Packet Regular (277 Pages)
- F.1. - District General Manager Status Report
- G. - Long Range Calendar
- I.1.A. - Treasurers Report - Payment of Bills
- K.1. - DPSEF Presentation
- K.2. - Burnt Cedar Swimming Pool Schematic Design
- K.3. - Champ Golf Carts
- K.4. - Project Recap - Watermain Replacement - Martis Peak Rd Vicinity
- K.5. - District Legal Services - Preferred Option with BBK
- L.1. - Meeting Minutes - October 14, 2020
- M.1.A. - District Financial Results - Qtr 1 (through 9-30-2020)
- M.1.B. - Popular CIP Report - Qtr 1 (through 9-30-2020)
November 9, 2020 - Special Meeting
- Agenda Special (2 pages) 12:00 PM Southwood Boardroom
- Packet Special (12 Pages)
October 27, 2020
- Agenda Audit Committee (2 Pages) 2:00 PM Southwood Boardroom
- Packet Audit Committee (213 Pages)
- E.1. - General Business - Audited and not Audited 2019 CAFR
- E.2. - General Business - 2020_2021 RFP for District Audit
- E.3. - General Business - Draft 2019_2020 Management Discussion and Analysis
- E.4. - General Business - Draft 2019_2020 Transmittal Letter
- E.5. - General Business - Draft 2019_2020 Welcome Letter
- F.1. - Approval of Meeting Minutes - September 30, 2020
- G. - Review of Long Range Calendar
- Supplemental Information to the 10/27/2020 Audit Committee Packet - 1A
- Supplemental Information to the 10/27/2020 Audit Committee Packet - 1B
- Supplemental Information to the 10/27/2020 Audit Committee Packet - 2
- Agenda Regular (3 pages) 6:00 PM Southwood Boardroom
- Packet Regular (293 Pages)
- F.1.a. - General Manager's Report
- G. - Long Range Calendar
- I.1.a. - Payment of Bills
- J.1. - Consent Calendar - NDOT
- J.2. - Consent Calendar - Mitel VoIP
- K.1. - General Business - Katz case
- K.2. - General Business - Tyler Technologies - software
- K.2. - Supplemental Information
- K.3. - General Business - 2021_2022 Proposed Budget Calendar
- L.1. - Meeting Minutes - September 30, 2020
October 14, 2020
- Agenda Regular (3 pages) 6:00 PM Southwood Boardroom
- Packet Regular (201 Pages)
September 30, 2020
- Agenda Audit Committee (2 Pages) 3:00 PM Southwood Boardroom
- Packet Audit Committee (53 Pages)
- Agenda Regular (3 Pages) 6:00 PM Southwood Boardroom
- Packet Regular (342 Pages)
- E.1. - District Staff Updates - General Manager's Report
- E.1.a. - District Staff Updates - Long Range Calendar
- E.2.a. - District Staff Updates - DP Operational Plan
- E.3.a. - District Staff Updates - OML 13897-278
- E.3.a. - District Staff Updates - OML 13897-330
- G.1. - General Business - BC Pool - Delivery Method
- G.2. - General Business - EXL Media
- G.3. - General Business - GM Goals
- G.4. - General Business - Potential Rebate
- G.5. - General Business - Policy 3.1.0
- G.6. - General Business - Code of Conduct
- G.7. - General Business - BOT Handbook
- H.1. - Minutes - 08262020
September 9, 2020
- Agenda Regular (2 pages) 6:00 PM Southwood Boardroom
- Packet Regular (136 pages)
September 1, 2020
- Agenda Audit Committee (2 pages) 5:00 PM Southwood Boardroom
- Packet Audit Committee (153 pages)
August 26, 2020
- Agenda Regular (3 pages) 6:00 PM Southwood Boardroom
- Packet Regular (174 pages)
- E.1.a. - Long Range Calendar
- G.1. - Consent Calendar - Accept a grant
- H.1. - General Business - Contract Award to Active Network
- H.2. - General Business - Contract Award to TSK Architects
- H.3. - General Business - Project Delivery Method for BC Swimming Pool Imp Project
- H.4. - General Business - Discussion about District legal services
- H.5 - General Business - Discussion about handling correspondence
- I.1. - Meeting Minutes - July 29, 2020
August 19, 2020
- Agenda Audit Committee (2 pages) 4:00 PM Southwood Boardroom
- Packet Audit Committee (410 pages)
- D.1. - General Business - Long Range Calendar
- D.2. - General Business - Liasion to Eide Bailly
- D.3. - General Business - IVGID System of Internal Controls
- D.4.a. - General Business - 14 Points of Errors in the CAFR
- D.4.b. - General Business - Dillon's Rule
- D.4.c. - General Business - Expansion of 14 points to 20
- D.4.d. - General Business - IVGID improperly using the District's Ad Valorem Taxes
- D.4.e. - General Business - Historic Memos_Ltrs on accounting and reporting
- D.4.f. - General Business - Punch Card Accounting
- D.4.g. - General Business - Central Services Allocation Plan
- E. - Approval of Meeting Meetings - July 29, 2020
August 12, 2020
- Agenda Regular (4 pages) 6:00 PM Chateau
- Packet Regular (243 pages)
- F.1. - General Manager's Report
- F.1.a - Rebate Discussion
- F.1.b. - Long Range Calendar
- H.1. - Consent Calendar - Reallocation of IT Funding
- I.1. - General Business - Utility Study
- I.2. - General Business - Burnt Cedar Swimming Pool
- I.3. - General Business - District's Fund Balances
- J.1. - Meeting Minutes - July 22, 2020
July 29, 2020
- Agenda Audit Committee (2 pages) 4:00 PM Chateau
- Packet Audit Committee (156 Pages)
- D.1. - General Business - Audit Committee Re-Organization
- D.2. - General Business - Update on the District's Independent Audit for FY 2019-2020
- D.3. - General Business - Presentation and Disc Only - System of Internal Controls
- D.4. - General Business - Audit Committee Referrals
- E.1. - Meeting Minutes - Audit Committee 06/302/020
- Agenda Regular (2 Pages) 6:00 PM Chateau
- Packet Regular (43 Pages)
July 22, 2020
- Agenda Regular (3 pages) 6:00 PM Chateau
- Packet Regular (364 pages)
- F.1. - General Manager's Report
- H.1. - General Business - Indebtedness and 5-Year Capital Plan
- H.2. - General Business - Punch Card Utilization and Accounting
- I.1. - Approval of Minutes - 06-10-2020
- I.2. - Approval of Minutes - 06-23-2020
- I.3. - Approval of Minutes - 06-30-2020
- M - Long Range Calendar - 07222020
June 30, 2020
- Agenda Audit Committee (2 pages) 4:00 PM Chateau
- Packet Audit Committee (72 pages)
- Agenda Regular (2 Pages) 5:30 PM Chateau
- Packet Regular (109 Pages)
- F.1. - General Business - Appoint GM
- F.2. - General Business - GM Employment Agreement
- F.2. - General Business - GM Employment Agreement - Supplement - IVGID Personnel Policies Excerpt
- F.2. - General Business - GM Employment Agreement - Supplement - Salary Comparison
- F.3. - General Business - Disc of Punch Card Util & Accounting
- F.4. - General Business - 2019_2020 Budget to Re-Estab Cap Proj & Debt Service Funds for CS & Beach
- G.1. - Minutes - May 27, 2020
June 23, 2020
- Agenda Regular (4 pages) 3:00 PM Chateau
- Packet Regular Part 1 (389 pages)
- Packet Regular Part 2 (239 pages)
- E.1. - General Manager's Report
- Consent Calendar - G.1. - Maintenance Blg Drainage,etc
- Consent Calendar - G.2. - Watermain
- Consent Calendar - G.3. - Media Advertising 2020_2021
- Gerneral Business - H.1. - Interviews
- Gerneral Business - H.3. - Resolution 1881
- Gerneral Business - H.4. - Tri-Strategies Extension
- I.1. - Meeting Minutes - May 19, 2020
- L. - Long Range Calendar
June 10, 2020
- Agenda Regular (3 pages) 5:00 PM Chateau
- Packet Regular (746 pages)
- E.1. - General Manager's Report
- E.1.a. - General Manager's Report - Tri-Strategies Presentation
- Consent Calendar - G.1. - Fabrication of Chairlift Control Panels
- Consent Calendar - G.2. - Moss Adams - Construction Project and Eng'g Consultant Contract Audit
- General Business - H.1. - Tennis Center Renovation Project
- General Business - H.2. - Water Reservoir Safety and Security Improvements
- General Business - H.3. - Exploration of partnership with NDOT
- General Business - H.4. - Board of Trustees Handbook
- I.1. - Meeting Minutes - May 6, 2020
- L. - Long Range Calendar
May 27, 2020
- Agenda Audit Committee (2 pages) 4:00 PM Chateau
- Packet Audit Committee (79 pages)
- Agenda Regular (3 pages) 6:00 PM Chateau
- Packet Regular (230 pages)
- C. & D. - Public Hearings.pdf
- G.1. - Interim District General Manager's Report
- I.1. - General Business - Budgets
- I.2. - General Business - Res 1879 - Recreation Standby and Service Charges
- I.3. - General Business - Res 1880 - Intent to transition to Enterprise Funds for FY 2021-22
- I.4. - General Business - Settlement Offer - Aaron L. Katz
- J.1. - Meeting Minutes - May 6, 2020
- J.2. - Meeting Minutes - May 7, 2020
- M. - Long Range Calendar
May 19, 2020
- Workshop Agenda (2 pages) 6:00 PM Chateau
- Workshop Packet (68 pages)
May 7, 2020
- Workshop Agenda (2 pages) 4:00 PM Chateau
- Workshop Packet (160 pages)
- Powerpoint Presentation from 5/7/2020 Workshop
May 6, 2020
- Agenda Audit Committee (2 pages) 4:00 PM Chateau
- Packet Audit Committee (91 Pages)
- Agenda Regular (3 pages) 5:00 PM Chateau
- Packet Regular (135 pages)
- E.1. - Interim District General Manager's Report
- G.1. - General Business - Criteria for pending CIP
- G.2. - General Business - Bocce Ball Courts
- G.3. - General Business - Policy 15.1.0
- G.4. - General Business - Draft SOW and RFQ for consultant - Effluent Export Pipeline and Pond Lining Projects
- G.5. - General Business - Construction Audit
- G.6. - General Business - Mark E. Smith Litigation
- G.7. - General Business - BBK
- H.1. - Minutes - April 11, 2020
- K. - Long Range Calendar
April 14, 2020 - Public Hearing
Public Hearing - 6:00 PM Chateau, 955 Fairway Boulevard, Incline Village, Nevada
IVGID is proposing amendments to Sewer Ordinance 2 and Water Ordinance 4
- Agenda Regular (3 pages) 6:00 PM Chateau
- Packet Regular (232 pages)
- C. - Public Hearing
- F.1. - District Staff Update - Interim District General Manager Report
- H.1. - General Business - Resolution 1877 - Fee Schedules
- H.2. - General Business - Ski Rental Equipment
- H.3. - General Business - Resolution 1878 - Prel Rec Roll
- H.4. - General Business - Form 4404LGF Tentative Budget
- H.5. - General Business - Termination Notice H&S
- I.1. - Approval of Minutes - March 11, 2020
- I.2. - Approval of Minutes - April 1, 2020
- L. - Long Range Calendar
April 1, 2020
- Agenda Audit Committee (5 pages) 4:00 PM Chateau
- Packet Audit Committee (23 pages)
- Agenda Regular (6 pages) 5:00 pm Chateau
- Packet Regular (102 pages)
- E.1. - District Staff Updates - Interim District General Manager Report
- G.1. - Consent Calendar - Designation of Auditor
- H.1. - General Business - Audit Committee Charter
- H.2. - General Business - No Smoking except in designated areas - Res 1876
- H.3. - General Business - CIP Budget
- H.4. - General Business - Discussion only - Fund conversion
- L. - Long Range Calendar
CANCELLED - Public Hearing, Wednesday, March 25, 2020 - CANCELLED
Public Hearing - 6:00 PM Chateau, 955 Fairway Boulevard, Incline Village, Nevada
IVGID is proposing amendments to "An Ordinance Establishing Rates, Rules and Regulations for Recreation Passes and Recreation Punch Cards by the Incline Village General Improvement District (IVGID Ordinance 7)"
Public Hearing Packet (pdf)
March 11, 2020
- Agenda Audit Committee (2 pages) 4:30 pm Chateau
- Packet Audit Committee (41 pages)
- Agenda Regular (4 pages) 6:00 pm Chateau
- Packet Regular (395 pages)
- E.1. - District Staff Update - General Manager's Report
- F.1. - General Business - Tennis Center Renovation
- F.2. - General Business - DP Season Ski Passes
- F.3. - General Business - Restrict Funds
- F.4. - General Business - Consultant - 2019 CAFR
- F.5. - General Business - Consultant - Internal Controls
- F.6. - General Business - District's DRAFT Operating Budget
- G.1. - Approval of Minutes - January 29, 2020
- G.2. - Approval of Minutes - February 12, 2020
- G.3. - Approval of Minutes - February 26, 2020
- H.1.a. - District General Counsel - Katz Case
- K. - Long Range Calendar
February 26, 2020
- Agenda Regular (3 pages) 6:00 pm Chateau
- Packet Regular (53 pages)
- E. - District Staff Update - Interim General Manager's Report
- G.1. - General Business - Jacobs Engineering - Effluent Pond Lining
- G.2. - General Business - HDR Eng'g - Design Services
- G.3. - General Business - IVGID 2020 Utility Rate Study
- G.4. - General Business - Operating Budget
- K. - Long Range Calendar
February 12, 2020
- Agenda Audit Committee (2 pages) 4:30 pm Chateau
- Packet Audit Committee (120 page)
- Agenda Regular (3 pages) 6:00 pm Chateau
- Packet Regular (161 pages)
- E.1. - District Staff Update - General Manager's Report
- G.1. - Consent Calendar - District Strategic Plan
- G.2. - Consent Calendar - Budget and Rec Roll - Public Hearing Date
- H.1. - General Business - Employment Contract
- H.2. - General Business - Consultant
- H.3. - General Business - Ordinance 7
- I. - Approval of Minutes - January 22 2020
- J.1.A. - Reports - Katz Case
- M. - Long Range Calendar
January 29, 2020
- Agenda Regular (2 pages) 6:00 pm Chateau
- Packet Regular (301 pages)
January 22, 2020
- Agenda Regular (4 pages) 6:00 pm Chateau
- Packet Regular (290 pages)
- E.1. - General Manager's Report
- G.1. - Consent Calendar - Acknowledgement of Receipt of Ltr from Dept of Taxation
- G.2. - Consent Calendar - Popular Report
- H.1. - General Business - CAFR
- H.2. - General Business - Incline Beach House
- H.3. - General Business - Internal Controls
- H.4. - General Business - Ordinance 7
- H.5. - General Business - Case No CV18-01564 - Mark E. Smith v IVGID - Authority for IGM $7500
- H.6. - General Business - Case No CV18-01564 - Mark E. Smith v IVGID - Approve legal fees and costs
- H.7. - General Business - Board of Trustees Officers
- H.8. - General Business - Audit Committee Members
- I.1. - Minutes - December 11 2019 (Regular Mtg)
- I.2. - Minutes - December 18 2019 (Special Mtg)
- M. - Long Range Calendar