Group Fitness

Weekly Group Fitness Schedule
The Group Fitness Schedule normally remains the same from week to week but there could be slight changes to the instructor or seasonal classes.
Group Fitness Class Descriptions
This workout fuses Latin and African rhythms with easy-to-follow dance moves, creating a one-of-a-kind fitness program. Expect to burn about 500 calories while having fun!
Cardio/Strength Conditioning
A combination of cardiovascular and muscular conditioning. Instructors may vary their method of cardiovascular conditioning (i.e., Step, Circuit, HIIT, Boot Camp, or Kickboxing).
Strength Conditioning
Muscular strength, endurance, and power exercises for the entire body. Hand weights, body bars, medicine balls, Dyna bands, and exertubes are used to ensure that you work every muscle in the body.
Flexibility, Core, & Balance
A dynamic strength and flexibility conditioning class that incorporates principles of mat Pilates, therapeutic ball training, gliding disc work and rhythmic movement to attack the “core muscle” groups. Develop your abs, back, hips, and torso for total body control and power, plus increase your range of motion, balance, and good posture.
Cardio Cycle
High-energy classes are led by seasoned, motivated instructors who will help you power up the hills, speed through the sprints, and sustain maximum endurance on the flats! Space is limited…participation is first come, first served. Classes are included in the Membership Group Fitness Program.
Yoga, Gentle Yoga, 55+Yoga, or Advanced Yoga
Combined movement classes promote flexibility and balance, reduce stress, and prevent injury. A system of exercises for mental and physical health that promotes flexibility, balance and reduced stress. A Hindu philosophy that teaches a person to experience inner peace by controlling the body and mind.
A combination of cardiovascular, range-of-motion, flexibility, and muscular conditioning exercises.
TRX Body Blast
An intense group training class with high-speed exercises in a set arrangement. Driven by the beat of the music, organized by a number of repetitions and quick transitions. This class is ideal for those who enjoy fun and high-energy movements.
Seasonal Sports Conditioning
Sports Conditioning focuses on sports-specific strength, flexibility, balance, endurance, agility, and coordination. Each class includes a warm-up, group drills, stretches, a 10-station circuit, and sports-specific tips. Visit the Winter Sports Condtioning page for details.