Incline Village General Improvement District Board of Trustees

Sara Schmitz, Chair Matthew Dent, Vice Chair Raymond Tulloch, Treasurer Michaela Tonking, Secretary Dave Noble, Trustee

Meeting Synopsis Incline Village General Improvement District Board Of Trustees Held In Incline Village On August 6, 2024

*Viewing available by clicking the link and choosing BOT Meeting 08.06.2024 or on the Civic Clerk Portal on the Meetings & Agenda page

The August 6, 2024, Meeting of the Incline Village General Improvement District Board of Trustees was called to order at 6:00 PM. All Board Members were Present at the IVGID Board Meeting held on August 6, 2024; the record reflects that at 6:03 p.m. Trustee Dave Noble arrived just as Item C. Initial Public Comment began. 

Public Comment:

The Board listened as many community members voiced their concerns during the agenda time allotted to Initial Public Comment. The majority of the comments addressed Agenda Item G.1. and the Recommended Direction regarding the pending vacancy of the District General Manager's position.

Approval of the Agenda:

Chair Schmitz moved on to Approval of the Agenda and asked if there were any changes that Board members would like to make. She then suggested that Agenda Item E. Reports to the Board be moved to the end of the meeting so that General Business Item G.1. could be brought forward first due to public interest.

General  Business

Item G.1. - The Board of Trustees listened as Human Resources Director Erin Feore began her presentation with the background on the direction given by the Board during the meeting on July 26th, and her research of management firms, recruiting firms, and placement firms. She also received correspondence from a few individuals interested in applying for the General Manager Position. Ultimately, Director Feore reached out to approximately 15 separate entities regarding possible management solutions, and only 5 out of the 15 engaged in conversation. One Management Firm engaged in a conversation to talk about the District's needs and what their services provided. There was one Executive Recruiting firm and three individuals who have municipality experience. Of the remaining organizations, six did not respond, despite repeated attempts. Four either did not offer the types of services outlined in Feore's initial request or were not equipped to offer the services as they understood the District to need. Director Feore went on to explain, that at the July 10th meeting the Board's majority opinion was that she focus her research on a management-type firm. As directed by the Board, Human Resource Director Erin Feore worked with Chair Sara Schmitz to answer questions and provide the Board’s perspective to any interested firms. Troon was the only Management Firm that engaged with Ms. Feore to discuss the District's needs and what services their firm could offer the Board in fulfilling the role of General Manager.. 

She went on to say that the proposal provided in the materials is an example of the services that could be provided by Troon.

Director Feore then introduced Joe Goodrich, Vice President of Troon. He thanked the Board for their time and provided a PowerPoint presentation, and a detailed overview of the Services that Troon could provide to IVGID. Troon Vice President Mr. Goodrich then opened the floor to the Board for discussion and any questions the Trustees had.

Following Board discussion, Human Resource Director Erin Feore was provided direction from the Board - for staff to continue on a dual track, both recruiting for the District General Manager, and starting the RFP Process for the Engagement of a Management Firm to fulfill the role. Trustee Dave Noble was asked to assist in staff efforts as the Board's liaison. 

Item G.2. - IVGID Trustees listened as Marketing and Communications Manager Paul Raymore, provided a brief overview of the EXL Media Agreement, followed by a presentation by EXL Media. Following Board and staff discussion, Trustees Approved the Agreement with EXL Media for District media buying services. 4/0 - Trustee Tulloch abstained from the vote. 

Reports To The Board

During Reports to the Board, Item E.1. The General Manager’s Monthly Report, Schmitz asked if her fellow Trustees had any questions regarding the Reports provided in the General Managers' report.

Trustee Tonking - asked General Manager Magee about the meeting with the Committee of Government Finance that was brought up during the public comments at the beginning of the meeting, and asked about the reconciliation of the bank balances.

District General Manager Magee explained that the Meeting with the Committee of Government Finance was previously scheduled by the Committee to provide the most recent 3 months of bank reconciliations, the final Rubin Brown report with the status of each item including dates for those items not already completed. Mr. Magee further stated that he will update the Board at the meeting on August 28th. 

Chair Schmitz - reminded the Board that the Committee of Government Finance was previously scheduled; she also asked about the General Ledger previously out of balanced by $7M; she asked about the recent “hiring freeze” referenced in the Public Works Director Memo since the Board had approved the requested staff addition during the budget process; additionally, she asked about the discounted use of venues back-up documentation requesting staff update the document to include % profit margin mark-up for catered events, and she asked about the zero charges to the various golf clubs while things like Breakfast with Santa had a charge noted in the report. Mr. Magee stated the $7M discrepancy had been reconciled, that he used the term “hiring freeze” to his staff to indicate he is expecting justification for any positions to be filled, that staff would provide the additional information on discounted use.

Trustee Tulloch - added that there is a consistent pattern of users and that the information that has been requested might be easier to get with regard to the Discounted use of Venues Report.

Long Range Calendar

During the Long Range Calendar review and discussion the following items were added: 08/28 - Staff Response regarding the Food & Beverage Report Discussion regarding Legal Counsel RFP Process - Date? 09/11 Budget Item - Recreation Fund - Admin. Services Account Discussion 08/28 - Request to Add to Current Item Policy 6.1.0 - update to include the Updated Practice 6.2.0 08/28 - Final Forensic Due Diligence Audit Report By Rubin Brown 08/28 - The GM to provide a Formal Progress Report on the Forensic Due Diligence Report IVGID Magazine Input for the Annual Report - Marketing Report Due? Chair Schmitz encouraged the fellow Board members to review the Long Range Parking Lot items. Townhall to be scheduled to target a date: End of Sept, Early Oct. with no topic yet determined 

Board of Trustees Update

Chair Schmitz provided an updated Contracts list and updated the Board on the progress of contract reviews.

Following final public comments, The Meeting of the Incline Village General Improvement District Board of Trustees Adjourned at 11:17 PM

Click here for the synopsis in PDF