Incline Village General Improvement District Board of Trustees

Sara Schmitz, Chair Matthew Dent, Vice Chair Raymond Tulloch, Treasurer Michaela Tonking, Secretary Dave Noble, Trustee



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A Meeting of the Incline Village General Improvement District Board of Trustees was called to order on August 28, 2024, at 6:00 PM. 

All Trustees were Present for the Board Meeting.

Public Comment:

At the meeting of the IVGID Board of Trustees, on Wednesday, August 28, 2024, the Board listened to a variety of topics during the Public Comment Period. Community members read, spoke and submitted written statements related to recommended, and suggested changes to Ordinance No. 7, the allowed amount of Picture Passes and Punch Cards per parcel, outsourcing the Management of the District, the appointment of an Interim District General Manager, Procurement Card reconciliation and matters related to the districts finances.

Approval of the Agenda:

The Agenda was approved as modified below: Item G.6. is differed, and moved to the September 11 Board Meeting. Item G.2. is differed to September 25 Board Meeting. Item G.1. to remain on as G.1. Item G.11. to G.2. Item G.8. moved to G.3. Item G.3. to move to G.4. And so on. Consent Item F.2. and F.3. to be moved and be heard as the last two General Business Items At 8:40 P.M. following a review of the remaining items on the Agenda, Acting General Manager Karen Crocker suggested that General Business Items G.9. and G.10. be differed due to time. 


Trustees received the Final Forensic Due Diligence Report from Rubin Brown, Provided by Trustee Raymond Tulloch Director of Public Works Kate Nelson Provided an overview of the revenue collected over the last 5 years and the expenses incurred associated with the defensible space program. Director Nelson also updated the Board on the Status of the Water and Sewer CIP analysis and will return to the board with additional details at a meeting in September. Trustee Tulloch provided an overview of the draft Treasurers Report, and noted that the Monthly Payroll is over Budget, and the year to date numbers are also reflecting this. Acting General Manager/ Director of Parks and Recreation Karen Crocker provided a summary of the picture pass and punch card report.


The remaining items on the consent calendar and below were unanimously approved, with a 5/0 Vote. Item F.1. Purchase Order Agreement with Diverobtics, for the Burnt Cedar Water Disinfection Plant Lake Intake Inspection, in the amount of $1,500. Item F.4. Agreement with F.W. Carson Company, for the SR28 Mill and Overlay Project for the Emergency Water Main Repair at Natural Grocers, in the amount of $45,225.30.


Item G.1. The Board of Trustees listened as Acting General Manager/Director of Parks and Recreation Karen Crocker provided an overview of the recommended updates to Ordinance No. 7. Trustees provided insight related to the Ordinance and gave feedback with regard to separating the disciplinary portion of the Ordinance. Direction to Staff to identify the objective of the changes, to engage those who were involved with the drafting updates to of Ordinance No. 7 that was approved by the Board in 2022, and for staff to engage Special Counsel and District Counsel to review the changes and recommendations prior to bringing this matter back to the board for a Public Hearing.

Item G.2. (previously G.11.) Trustee Raymond Tulloch provided background related to the recruitment of a Director of Finance, and the ongoing challenges of the department due to staffing levels. The full Board agreed with the importance of this matter and provided Direction to Staff to begin the recruitment of a Director of Finance along with the Board approved Accounting Position to fully staff the Finance Department. The Board further directed that staff request assistance from Washoe County to consult and advise staff as needed.  

Item G.3.(Previously G.8.) Following Human Resources Director Erin Feore’s introduction of the Draft RFP advertising for Management Firms to fill the District General Manager position and supply services to assist the district in addressing issues identified by various consultant reports. Trustee Raymond Tulloch provided an outline of the RFP and the scope of work. The Board majority approved the motion for staff to move forward with the RFP process once the Board discussed modifications have been completed. Those revisions to the Scope Of Work, proposal content, and for firms to incorporate an action plan with the changes requested. Motion passed 3/2 vote. 

Item G.4. (previously G.7.) Accounting staff member Sue Griffin stated that the department has put together some responses to the observations and will be meeting with Acting General Manager Crocker to provide a status of those items. She shared that in Observation No. 1 relating to the bank reconciliations were completed by Baker Tilly through March of 2024. Staff continues to onboard a new employee during this process. Part of this process includes analysis of the operating account and identifying unreconciled differences in the consultants reconciliations. The CLGF will be receiving a response by Friday and this response will be supplied to the Board once it is complete and ready to go out. Chair Schmitz followed up with information regarding two Items that were previously committed to by former GM Magee, one was to have the detailed Rubin Brown Findings Observations that were tagged complete and anything that was tagged in process, and to provide an anticipated completion dates of each of the items. 

Item G.5. (previously G.3.) The Board of Trustees unanimously approved Purchase Orders for procurement of waste water treatment chemicals from Univar Solutions, not to exceed $120,000; Olin, Not to Exceed $170,000; and the Purchase Orders for procurement of Fuel through State Pricing contract (#99SWC-S818) under NRS 32.195 with Pilot Thomas Logistics, not to exceed $190,000; and Flyers Energy, not to exceed $190,000. Pass 5/0 Vote.

Item G.6. (previously G.4.) Following Director of Public Works Kate Nelson’s brief summary of the request to approve the purchase of three trucks for rolling stock. The Board approved a motion finding the purchase of the three pickups exempt from competitive solicitations per IVGID Purchasing Policy (D) Competitive Solicitation and NRS 332.115.1.(o), and approved and the execution of sale agreements, based on the sample form, for the three vehicles in an amount totaling $137,340.75. The motion unanimously passed 5/0.

Item G.7. (previously G.5.) The Board unanimously approved General Manager of the Diamond Peak Ski Resort Mike Bandelin request that the Board Authorize an Equipment Purchase Agreement for a Replacement PistenBully Snow Grooming Vehicle. In the Amount of $550,000.

Item G.8. (previously F.2.) Following a brief explanation by Director Nelson, regarding Change Order #1 for the Alder Avenue Water Main Replacement Project, The Board of Trustees unanimously voted to approve the change order in the amount of $52,913.35. 

Item G.9. (previously F.3.) The purchase order agreement with Harris Computer Corporation dba DataWest in the amount of $9,600 was approved with a correction to the agreement language.


Chair Schmitz provided a clarification relating to initial public comment. Trustee Tulloch provided an update on the work related to finalizing a letter of Engagement between IVGID and Davis Farr. 

Following final public comments, The Meeting of the Incline Village General Improvement District Board of Trustees Adjourned at 9:31 PM

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