Golf Tip: Loosen Your Grip
Loosen your grip for more distance 
Tension in the hands and forearms is a big problem in the golf swing and it can rob you of distance. Many golfers start off with a soft grip when they’re at the address position but do not maintain this grip pressure throughout the swing.
A fast backswing often leads to a jerky transition between the backswing and forward swing. When this happens, you unintentionally increase your grip pressure to try to control your club. This leads you into a forward swing dominated by your hands and arms, forcing you to hit the ball and do all the work.
The lighter you hold your club the more you allow the club to do its job. In order to do this you need to focus on your grip and swing speed. When you go back slower the transition is much smoother and grip pressure remains light. This leads to increased club head speed and further distances with less effort.
This concept is why practice swings are usually smoother. You have more speed because there is no hit impulse so you don’t tighten up. Next time you’re at the driving range take four practice swings with a slower pace on the backswing and only concentrate on a balanced finish. After that, put a ball on the tee and try the same swing. Focus on swinging through the ball to a balanced finish, not to the ball. Execute these tips and you should be able to achieve more distance.
Schedule a lesson or attend a clinic to get more tips on your swing and golf game. Visit or call 775-832-1146 for information or to reserve tee-times.
This tip was provided by Neil Gunn, Teaching Professional at the Incline Village Golf Academy & Championship Golf Course. Visit the Golfing Tips page for more tips.