TWSA wins national source water protection award
The American Water Works Association (AWWA) has recognized the Tahoe Water Suppliers Association (TWSA)
Venue modifications due to a winter storm in the area
DismissThe American Water Works Association (AWWA) has recognized the Tahoe Water Suppliers Association (TWSA)
Golf course maintenance staff monitors the turf conditions throughout the winter months. Read about the maintenance and snow removal process required for the 2019-20 winter.
To help protect the health, safety and welfare of the residents and guests of Incline Village and Crystal Bay, the Incline Village General Improvement District (IVGID) Board of Trustees voted unanimously to prohibit the use of any form of tobacco at all district owned and operated facilities, including restrooms, spectator and concession areas.
Improve your swing from the ground up. Winter is a good time to focus on swing changes and ways we think about the golf swing in general.
Sara Schmitz appointed to fill open board seat on Incline Village GID
The high court stated unequivocally, “The record supports the district court’s findings that Katz’s lawsuit was baseless and unreasonable …