2021 Mountain Golf Course Cart Path Replacement Project

Mountain Golf Cart Path Replacement – 3241LI1903
A carryforward 2020 Capital Improvement Project to reconstruct the cart paths at the Mountain Golf Course. At the March 10, 2021 Board Meeting, the Trustees awarded a contract to Lumos and Associates, Inc. to provide engineering services, including preparation of a base map and preliminary engineering drawings (50% design) for the entire Mountain Golf Course cart path system, studying impacts to the golf course, existing pavement and site conditions, permitting and IVGID budget.
Over the years, the District has performed spot repairs at the golf course, based on areas of greatest need and within annual allotted budgets, but the last major cart path project at the Mountain Course was over 15 years ago. Due to issues of the base material, overgrowth of sod, and intrusion by tree roots and other materials, it was determined that substantial remediation and reconstruction was needed.
Due to budgetary constraints, the project was divided into 3 Phases. Phase 1 work covered cart paths from Holes 3 through 9. The District publicly advertised this project for bidding on July 29, 2021 with a bid submittal due date of August 26, 2021, a 4-week bid period. The District advertised the work as required by NRS 338, and posted all construction documents on PlanetBids. Vendors and contractors on PlanetBids can access all of the District’s documents at no cost. The online portal also tracks questions, addenda to the documents, plan holders and interested vendors.
A contract was awarded to F. W. Carson at the September 6, 2021 Board Meeting, and the Notice to Proceed was issued on September 16, 2021. A Notice of Substantial Completion was issued on November 10. Work is now complete. Design for Phases 2 and 3 is currently underway.
Project Photos